Model Pflueger Surprise Minnow Lure
History of Pflueger Surprise Minnow Lure; this classic antique fishing lure was originally introduced in 1913 by Florian Clarkson & Oscar Hummon of Lipsic, Ohio. These were labeled as the H&S Surprise Bait prior to Pflueger purchasing the rights and being first cataloged by them in 1914. This fine example shown was only available for a limited number of years in this drilled eye or hole eye configuration and dates between 1914 & 1923 when it would be outfitted with glass eyes. The Pflueger lure was given a model series 3980, and measures in at 4″ in length.
We have a very nice one in on consignment this week, click below to view.
This tapered cigar shaped Pflueger Surprise Minnow Lure is the larger of the two sizes that would come to bear over its existence in the Pflueger or Enterprise Bait Company lure line up. The lure features a simple screw eye forward line tie that is positioned at the forward bulbous part of the minnow directly over its most tell tale feature. Moreover, the open smiling mouth of the Surprise has always enamored lure collectors and would later be the spot where Pflueger would stencil the bait. This version of the fishing lure features the Neverfail hardware which Pflueger would become known for that secures 2 of its 3 trailing trebles, the 3rd held on by the rear simple eye screw.
Around the same time we see major line up changes from several of the antique lure makers, Heddon, Shakespeare, Creek Chub, we see Pflueger change the Surpise Minnow. Starting around 1923 we see one of the most prominent changes, we see glass eyes added the the Plueger Surprise Minnow Lure. As well as moving from Neverfail hardware to what would be deemed surface rig. The colors would also shift to stay within the consistent color schemes for that era as well. The Pflueger Surprise Minnow Lure would be stenciled as such on the upper part of the mouth of the fishing lure.

The Liveliest of the “Live Ones”
Pflueger Surprise Minnow Lure; Stock this New Floater, Diver and Wiggler and See Your Trade Grow
Brought out at close of the 1914 season this new artificial minnow leaped into instant popularity. The result of 51 Years os successful tackle building is represented in Pflueger “Surpise” Minnow.
We offer this minnow to the trade as representing the highest in artificial bait.
Our reputation as the largest fishing tackle builders in the World stands behind this bait.
The Surprise is a floating bait which dives the instant reeling it in is commenced the depth being controlled by the speed of reeling. As it comes in it’s peculiar construction causes the bait to wiggle and dart about with the eccentric movements of a live minnow. The motions that arouse the combative instincts of the gainy bass. Upon stopping reeling the bait rises to the surface.
Made in seven color blends as follows:
Model No 3914 Luminous Enamel All Over- Red Throat
3915 White Enamel All Over-Red Throat
3916 White Enamel Belly-Rainbow Back Red Throat
Model No 3917 White Enamel Belly Green Cracked Back Red Throat
3918 White Enamel Belly-Green and Red Spots, Red Throat
3919 White Enamel Belly Green Back Red Throat
Model No 3920 Yellow Porch Red Red Throat
Notice Hardware Dealers send for illustrated price list and discounts. Good Profits. A big line of Fishing Tackle THE ENTERPRISE MFG C0 Dept 16 Altron Ohio Akron Fishing Tackle Works Successors to The American Fish Hook Co Established 1864
Gallery of the Pflueger Surprise Minnow Lure

Does a 5 Pound Fifteen Ounce Small mouth Bass Look Good to You
This big bass was landed in September by Don Leigh Fishing Editor of the Chicago Evening Journal, and the lure used was a “PFLUEGER SURPRISE MINNOW “but let Leigh tell the story. It was a trifle blustery and cold with flurries of snow the day this big one struck. I had tried nearly every bait and combination of baits throughout the day without results when I snapped on the Pflueger Surprise.
At the fourth cast this bass struck with a wallop he was fighting mad eighteen minutes he fought a rushing battle. Believing it was the natural minnow swim of the Surprise that coaxed the strike of this gamey bass when nothing else could interest him The Pflueger Surprise Minnow has the REAL SWIMMING Natural Bait a movement of a fish and it does not need any spinners, plates planes or other hardware to make it do this Natural LIFELIKE minnow swim. The deep grooved mouth gives it the peculiar darting swim of the minnow and it LOOKS LIKE A MINNOW when reeled along in the water. Never go bait casting for bass pike musky or pickerel without a selection of Pflueger Surprise Minnows in my kit because I know what they will do in any water. They have the SWIM that INTERESTS the game fish.
The Pflueger Surprise Minnow Lure