Pflueger Antique Fly Lure 1888
This Pflueger Antique Fly Lure 1888 ad is one of those that I found off the beaten path. Recording media has been done since the beginning of time, its just the mode, methods and the medium for transmission have change. I found this great old Pflueger Antique Fly Fishing lure ad in a magazine about old phonographs. The Phonograph itself was only invented just 9 years earlier in 1877. So while we always think to look in hunting and fishing themed media, this one shows us we can learn things about our hobby sometimes in strange places.
The ad, like many early Pflueger ads is sticking with the tradition of highlighting Pflueger’s luminous fishing lure qualities. Besides touting the Luminous fly qualities, the ad touts that it and Pflueger are endorsed by President Cleveland, who was know to have been quite a fisherman. I see quite a few early 1800’s antique lure ads that involve marketing Mr. and Mrs Cleveland and their sporting prowess.
Sent Free! Post Paid!
Luminous or Bass Trout Fly
With our 44 Page Catalog of Modern Styles
Fish Baits and Anglers Specialties, fro Price of Catalog 20 Cents.
A Vacation made Pleasant and Profitable ,
The Enterprise Manufacturing Co.
Akron Ohio