Clinton Little Wonder Lure
The Clinton Little Wonder Lure is one of my favorites. This “Barber Pole” style lure was made by The Clinton Wilt Manufacturing Company out of Springfield Missouri. While patented in 1913, I believe the antique lure to have been around a few years preceding it based on the magazine articles available. This wooden lure measures 3 1/4″ in length. This antique fishing lure is made with a wire through construction. The lure features a three blade tail spinner which allows the body of the lure to rotate while the front spinner rotates in the opposite direction. There is a weighted keel which balances the lure and keeps it from twisting up the line upon retrieval.
The Clinton Little Wonder antique lure used both the 70’s and 80’s series of numbers to define its coloring scheme. Available in 8 different colors, the same as its larger brother the Clinton Wilt Champion.
No 71 White red stripe
No 73 Orange red stripe
No 76 Gold red stripe
No 77 White green stripe
No 79 Orange green
No 81 Gold green stripe
No 83 Red green stripe
No 86 Oreen orange stripe
Clinton Little Wonder Patent Information

THE BEST ARTIFICIAL BAITS ANY FISHERMAN EVER TROLLED MR JOBBER and DEALER get busy with your pen and order a supply and give your trade a chance at these great sellers. They will make you a good profit and warm friends. Send today for price list and color sheet showing the different colors of each the Champion and the Little Wonder. MR FISHERMAN they are for sale by all live dealers. If your dealer cannot supply you they will be sent upon receipt of price prepaid by mail. When sending in your order please give me your dealer’s name. We will sell you these Minnows under an absolute guarantee that after using if you do not pronounce them to be the most attractive and more life to them while in action than any other artificial Minnows ever invented we will cheerfully refund your money and make you a present of the Minnows.
The Greatest Baits To Ever Troll The Water
We offer the sporting world the most practical and the most perfected artificial baits ever invented baits that are doing MORE to Increase the real sport of angling than any devices of the age. We invite and urge a comparison the most rigid comparison under any and all conditions with any artificial bait on the market or in the world.
THESE BAITS ARE MARVELS OF EASY ACTION PERFECTLY SMOOTH IN OPERATION They whirl through the water with the ease and grace of alive minnow glittering and beautiful. They CANNOT twist the line Both heads and bodies are perfectly balanced and revolve with more freedom and ease than any baits on the market. Heads and bodies revolve In opposite directions forcing an even position of the minnows in both trolling and casting. A three blade spinner revolves the body the head spinner revolving In an opposite direction on both models. The Champion Is fitted with double hooks on each side and a treble hook on the tail and are so arranged that they CANNOT become locked or get out of striking position.