Wilson Flanged Wobbler Lure
The Wilson Flanged Wobbler Lure was first introduced in 1914. The lure was also deemed the Winged Wobbler as shown on the front of the accompanying antique lure box. The Lure made by Wilson, the Hastings Sporting Goods Company of Hastings Michigan. The lure itself is wooden in composition, with a metal wing or fashioned front diving plate inserted just below the single forward line tie. The Wilson Flanged Wobbler lure had 3 treble hooks, two attached to the body using cup rig hardware and the last attached to the rear screw eye. The lure is plain in appearance but was offered in a few select colors. The antique lure shown below comes in the correct box that was labeled on the top specifically for the Winged Wobbler lure. The combo shows the correct era or period antique lure box catalog.
Wilson Flanged Wobbler Lure Photo Gallery
This is the Wobbler Family and –
- Any “been there” fisherman will testify to the efficiency of the swimming, diving and “wobbling” style of baits.
- Ever since the appearance of the first “Wilson Fluted Wobbler” several years ago the market has been flooded with artificial baits imitating the Wilson Wobbler as closely as the law would allow. Like imitations in every other sphere they have been unable to equal the design which originally put the Wobbler “on the map.”
- To quote one of the foremost writers on fishing subjects in an article in Field and Stream.
- The diving and swimming baits have many advantages particularly when used about submerged logs a spot by the way where the Grandfathers often lie.
- These baits float until reeling is begun when they dive beneath the surface. The depth at which they run may be regulated to a nicety by varying the speed of reeling.
- The illustration shows.
The original Fluted Wobbler a thoroughly tested and efficient bait.
“Another illustration is a new model of the same which is fitted with a flange instead of the flutings. This latter wobbler works at a greater depth than the other baits and has proved itself a killer on both bass and pickerel.”
Nor is the man above quoted any more enthusiastic than the well known fishing authority, O. W. Smith angling editor of Outdoor Life who wrote in Field and Stream.
Now old man said I to myself you can have five baits and only live so make your selection with circumspection. In the light of experience I promptly picked out a red and white surface bait that is most erratic in its movements darting sideways and diving toward the bottom when drawn through the water but promptly returning to the surface when strain upon the line ceases. It is no small compliment when a man like Mr. Smith picks out this one bait among the hundreds made as his very first choice.
The Wobbler Family which include the Fluted Wobbler the Cupped Wobbler the Winged Wobbler and the Six in One Wobbler each made in twelve different color combinations has well earned a place in every angler s tackle box. Baits may come and baits may go new ones are advertised as the sensation of the season and they are forgotten soon after. But the Wilson Wobblers have stood the test of time. They have proven dependable killers on bass and other game fish year in and year out.