Shakespeare Antique Lure Revolution HH Kiffe 1903
In this Great Shakespeare Antique Lure Revolution HH Kiffe 1903 we see the Advertisement for not only the Worden Bucktail, but the Revolution.
The Shakespeare Revolution Spinner
The Shakespeare Bucktail Spinner
The Revolution Bait. A new departure in Fishing. Made entirely of Aluminum with First Quality Treble Hooks attached with Rings. It catches fish. It catches more and larger fish than live Bait when used at the same time and place. Adapted for trolling, casting and splashing. It does away with the troublesome task of catching live before going fishing. The peculiar construction of the revolving blades allows the bait to be drawn through rushes and weeds without snagging the hooks. It is particularly good bait for bass, pickerel, muskalonge, and every fish that takes a live bait.
Instructions to Fishermen
Trolling. – Attach the Revolution Bait to a line and troll close to the edge of the rushes and lily pads, and just between deep and shallow water. In the morning evening and after dark is the best time for trolling.
Bait Casting.- Use a short Rod from 5 to 7 feet long a fine smooth line and a free running quadruple reel. Wind the line until the bait is close to the rod then the bait from 50 to 75 feet from the boat, allowing the reel to run free. Keep your boat in deep water and toward the shore to the edge of the rushes and weeds, trolling the bait to the boat by reeling in the line.
Sizes 123 Length of Body inches 2 3 3 Price each 50c 60c 76c 65c