Keeling Pike Kee Wig Lure

Keeling Pike Kee Wig Lure

Keeling Pike Kee Wig Lure

The Keeling Pike Kee Wig Lure was first introduced around 1928. This wooden, no eyed, pointed at both ends torpedo shaped lure measure 4 5/8″ in length. The Kee Wig lure is very similar to the Flapper lure, however its more slim or skinnier lure. The antique lure rides on the patented keeling metal slide that is also used to secure the first of the three treble hooks on it. The box shown is the correct period box, however I’m not sure if its marked correctly for it. The lure is shown in a green scale type finish and was available in a half dozen or so more.


Keeling Pike Kee Wig Lure Photo Gallery