Jamison Struggling Mouse Lure
The Jamison Struggling Mouse Antique Fishing Lure was first introduced around 1917. This great little Jamison lure wooden antique fishing lure measures 2 1/4″ in length. The cool little unit has both an upper and a lower line tie. The smallish lure features an upturned diving wing on each side of the lure and angles upward. The lure has 2 standard double hooks to secure its prey. The centermost hook employing the use of a cup style rig. The lure can have no eyes, as shown below, painted and even beaded eyes on some of the models.
The Struggling Mouse vintage fishing lure comes in a host of paint scheme colors (Shown below in a Tan Crab). Combined with the eye combinations this can lead to an impressive showing should you go down this road.
Jamison Catalog Cut

Jamison Struggling mouse
It struggles and labors through the water like a badly crippled living creature
trying desperately to escape, and its resemblance to a live mouse is truly remarkable. The most prominent authorities in the world have endorsed it as the most life-like imitation of a natural live food of game fish ever produced and predict that it will be the most successful and popular bait for casting and trolling.
It is a well known fact to all anglers that game fish will attack any crippled or helpless creature in preference to others that are all right. The sight of this most perfect imitation struggling and wobbling along evidently trying to escape is too much for them to resist and they strike it instantly and viciously. The natural result is that many big catches are made where other less attractive and natural looking baits absolutely fail to bring even a strike. Made in two colors only, Mouse Color and Red Head with White Body, each………… 85c
The New Jamison Struggling Mouse Lure Circa 1917 Recreation
Fisherman found out a long time ago that a field mouse took an awful chance if he went for a swim accidentally or otherwise where a game fish of goodly size lurked. The new Jamison Struggling Mouse within sight. For years we have had with us the imitation mouse a creature which in the showcase of the tackle store matches the appearance of the live beastie with lividity but is fearfully dead in the water. And as a general thing we believe no self respecting black bass is fond of the cold storage mouse.
Here is an imitation that is something like. True he is made of wood with a double fishhook for a tail nickel plated ears and sports another double hook in place of legs but if he is chock full of pep. He is a regular little water rat with a swimming motion all his own. If you are familiar with bait casting plugs you know he is of the variety that float on the water when at rest and dive and wobble when reeled in or trolled by the caster. We figure that Jamison’s Struggling Mouse will find a lot of takers not onlv among fishermen, but also among fish. Price 65 cents.