Pflueger Wooden Minnows Article
This Pflueger Wooden Minnows Article was printed in 1918. The article proclaims and lays out in detail the evolution of its lures asserting it was the first, or the industry leader in the artificial minnow production. It lays out a time line for the production of the Pflueger Crystal Minnow, The Comstock Flying Helgramite, and the Pflueger Trory Minnow Lures.
As there seems to be some action on at the present time on the part of sporting writers in showing up relics of the past in the fishing tackle line, especially as regards wooden minnows or plug baits, the Enterprise Mfg. Co. Akron Ohio, have for the convenience of such writers gotten out an illustrated circular, “The Origin and Evolution of the Wooden Minnow Business”.
EA Pflueger, president of the company furnishes some interesting information concerning the origin and evolution of the Wooden Minnow. He says, “We made our first Plug bait in the year 1881 in the form of a hollow glass minnow mounted with single and treble books at the tail and spinner at the head. This was heavy enough to cast properly and the minnow being filled with a mirror substance, also our Luminous material made it very attractive and a good seller. Following the Glass Minnow we made other casting baits all of which could be termed plug baits in the following order Rubber Minnows, Phantom Minnows, Devon Minnows, Pearl Minnows, Metal Minnows. In the year I883, we put out the Comstock Wood Minnow, the body being made of wood with glass eyes and spinners mounted upon the side instead of at the head and tail according to present methods. In the year 1898 we were the first to place upon the market a wood minnow of the present day structure and have been continually manufacturing wood minnows and other forms of wooden baits ever since.”