Pflueger Mustang Minnow Heavy Duty Lure
The Pflueger Mustang Minnow Heavy Duty Lure is the largest of the Mustang Minnow Lure series. This Pflueger of Akron Ohio antique fishing lure is a series model number 9500, and the color code is 46. This wooden, pressed eye, antique lure is 5″ in length. It dates from the early 1950’s and feature the heavy duty flasher plate mounted, or faceted to the top and bottom of the lure.
We have a nice Mustang in the box in on consignment this week, click below to view.
The fishing lure has a scooped diving lip to get it down to the depths of its prey. It has 3 large treble hooks secured with heavy duty surface type hardware to secure and hold its prey it once it takes the bait. The Heavy Duty Mustang lure shown in the gallery is in a fishing called Eel, however the lure was offered in many different color scheme finishes. The Mustang is housed in its correct picturesque green canoe box correct marked for the lure.

1962 Pflueger Catalog Mustang Minnow Lure
Bright metal flashers top and bottom get attention. Really a double barrelled punch of spoon and wiggling minnow combined. Sure fire for surf casting and trolling as well as a large fresh water fish. Adjustable line fastner makes this lure a floating, shallow or deep running lure to fit your needs.