Pflueger Flying Helgramite Vs Chapman Buel
This great little ad discusses the Pflueger Flying Helgramite Vs Chapman Buel. This comes to us from 1884, 137 years ago. Early advertising for lures mentioned in here such as the Crystal Minnow, and the Flying Helgramite are hard to come by so enjoy.
Pflueger Flying Helramite Vs Chapman Buel
To Anglers: The fishing tackle dealers supply you with a lot of things to delude the speckled beauties or the lively pickerel etc., but now an then, in certain kinds of water and weather, they fail to stir a fish. A new and enticing bait has been discovered: by The Enterprise Manufacturing Company, of Akron Ohio. It has been used to great purpose by a leading lawyer of that has been rusticating in the neighboring Dominion. His letter reads as follows:
Picton. Canada August 19th Friend Pflueger, For the first time I today gave your Flying Helgramite a trial, and I gave it a thorough one. I went fishing with the Judge of this county, Judge Gillet and we had royal sport. My first capture was a seven pound black bass; afterwards we took in many between two and five pounds. My catch was pronounced by sports here unequaled. No one had ever seen a bass that size taken here. It was caught with your Flying Helgramite which I regard as a killing bait. I used it against a Buel and a Chapman Spoon and I Came out on top. Judge Gillet upon our return spoke highly of it. Yours, C. P Humphry
We learn that the baits referred to as the Flying Helgramite, Crystal Minnow, Hard Rubber Minnow, Soft Rubber Frog and Dexter Spoon. The Patent of the Enterprise Manufacturing Company is to apply Luminous Compound to artificial fish bait making the same attractive id deep and turbid water, cloudy days and especially after dark. Samples of the Flying Helgramite can be obtained from the company at .75 cents or 3 for $2.00 other styles .60 cents each or two for a $1.00