Pflueger Antique Lure Sign Ad
This Pflueger Antique Lure Sign Ad window sign was published in a 1905 Vol. 23 of “The Hardware Magazine”. The ad specifies how dealers in Pflueger’s Fishing Tackle can get one.
I will take a dozen please.
Finding Point of Sale or store displays for the Antique Lures, Reels and Tackle we love is a double edged sword. As I have written before in the article South Bend Counter Display, making yourself aware of fakes and counterfeits can save many dollars, heart break, and even misunderstanding for current or future antique lure collectors. Its hard not to go to a flea market or antique store today and not run into newly made, made to look old, porcelain or tin signs. I’m as guilty as the next person for wanting to adorn the walls of my man den or tackle room with antique fishing like type items. I’m not one to tell anyone what to do; however, maybe take a minute the next time you go to buy one of these things and think about an alternative option for antique lure room decoration. This isnt the late 90’s anymore and prices have come back down to earth for many antique lure and tackle related items. Just take for instance the common rod or reel or even bamboo rods with condition issues. You can pick the things up for a few dollar a piece and incorporate this into a wonderful display, that’s authentic to boot!
If anyone has a photo of a real one of these Id love to add it to the article, or just even see a photo. Drop me a line or post below.
I received and Email from fellow NFLCC member Merrick Burr who was able to not only provide a Photo of an original sign but also was able to add to the discussion as to how it ties in with AL&W

Here is the cover of the 1928 ALW catalog. They have taken the bass from the original sign and added to the 2 men in the boat and some background.
“Also circa 1928, ALW started using these lure boxes with a bass and bright red fly in its mouth.
I am assuming this box is based on the sign and in particular the Pflueger bass.”

This ALW silk screen Sign is from the same time frame as the catalog.
Silk screening made it impossible to replicate the bass accurately, but they did include the two men in the boat and also the red fly.
This sign is quite a bit larger than the original Pflueger Sign. I am fascinated that the image was used 20+ years apart, by different companies. They are all attractive in different ways.
Pflueger’s Fishing Tackle Sign
The Enterprise Mfg. Co. Akron, Ohio are presenting dealers who handle their goods a metal window sign and window transparency the sign being illustrated herewith. It is 10 x 14 inches and is gotten out in eight colors. Both sign and transparency are attractive in Fishing Tackle, will be received in payment with four cents postage for one of the metal signs. No advertising will be on the sign. Not more than one sign or transparency will be sent one purchaser no matter what the amount of his purchases may be. Any dealer in fishing tackle can have one of these free upon request.