Pfeiffer Minnow Tube
This Rare Pfeiffer Minnow Tube lure is a different class of lure compared to the many seen on this page. This great lure is made from glass instead of usual wood, plastic or metal materials we’ve come to know. This glass test tube shaped lure was made by the Pfeiffer’s Live Bait Company out of Detroit Michigan. This antique fishing lure dates from between 1914-1916, making it Over 100 years old. This lure features 4 treble hooks 2 on each side and measures 3 1/2″ in length.
Striking resemblance is seen between this and the Detroit Minnow tube. It should come as no surprise when you find out both companies operated during the same time from the same city. The minnow tubes were not a very practical or ECO friendly lure especially when dropped on the shore or rolling around in a tackle box.While the two ads below are similar youll notice an address change.
1914 Pfeiffer Live Bait Holder Ad
Pfeiffer’s Bait Gets The Big Ones
Pfeiffer’s is the origional bait of its kind on the market today. It Protects the minnow and lures the big fellows as no other bait can. None genuine unless Pfeiffer’s name is on the stopper. Three sizes: Trout and Small Bass, $.75; Bass and Pike, $1.00; Muscallonge, $1.50.

1915 Pfeiffer Live Bait Holder Ad