Moonlight Floating Bait Lure
The Moonlight Floating Bait Lure was first introduced in 1909. Although, I imagine, since the company was purported to have been established in 1908 that the lure may have been at the corresponding time. The Moonlight Bait Company would go on to be around for a half a century, although it would morph into other companies names, such as the Paw Paw bait Company. The late 0’s and early teens were really the years where the “Bait Casting” novelty, sport and profession would accelerate from innocent ideas and passions, to titans and driving forces of the sport fishing industry.
We would see competition after competition, with allegations by companies and sport writers of who made the best, slayed the most, and revolutionized the fishing industry. Here we see a niche and need and a company fill those two with a product and marketing. The Moonlight Bait Company would produce a lure that satisfied not only the top water bass fisherman, but he would also address a segment which had been address with metal lures but hadn’t been with the wooden lure, Night Fishing.
A Luminous Wooden Fishing Plug, enticing the beasts from the deep. Fisherman have always been drawn to night fishing and shown by the popularity and the Success, “Pun Intended” of The Enterprise Bait Company, AKA Pflueger spoon and spinner lines.
The Floating Bait antique lure was a series Number #1 and this version was the three T for the three treble hooks. Two of the hooks hanging from the body and one from the rear tail. The lure shown below is in a complete Luminous color pattern. The lure employs the use of a screw eye type hardware . Shown with it is the correct box used to house this antique fishing lure

Moonlight Floating Bait Lure
The Only Successful Night Fishing Bait Ever Invented
Self Glowing and Attractive
Night Fishing has more charms than many have realized. Fisherman stop in the evening when the fishing is best, at just the time fish begin to feed. This will be changed, for the Moonlight Bait proves a w
inner on the first nights trial.
Use the Moonlight Bait on a moonlight or dark night, and your fine string of fish will make you convert and surprise your neighbor.
The Moonlight Bait can be used for trolling, but casting is preferable. cast towards shore over the feeding grounds, where there are weeds or near lily pads. Reel slowly, for the fish can see the bait a long distance. The swish, splash strike one, then homerun. All night though the merriment goes on, and the bass come in.
The advantage of a floating bait for night fishing can be seen from another side. In a accident that sends a valuable rod and reel overboard the floating bait will mark for its recovery. The only difficulty being is that you may have a fight to get the Moonlight Bait before the fish does.
Caution Expose to Light
The bait possesses a peculiar quality of absorbing daylight or strong artificial light and reflecting the same in the dark. The bait contains no phosphorus. It emits a clear white light, which is made more effective by the radiant power of water. A well exposed bait is good for the whole night.
Moonlight Floating Bait Lure Photo Gallery
Brother Fisherman,
If your business interferes with fishing give up your business or buy a Moonlight bait and fish in the evening.
You will find night fishing delightful. To us, and that “us” represents thousands of users of Moonlight bait, it is all that is to be desired, with no possible regrets. It is cool, time is your own, it does not interfere with your business and the large fish are up.
Fish Are Night And Not Day Feeders
You will not land all the strikes, brother, but the fight is half of the fun. You will get your Full Money’s worth in the thrill and pleasure and expectancy in landing that big fellow, which is sure to be yours, if you “Follow the Cosmic Urge.”
At all first class dealers or sent postage paid by us for $100
Your Brother Nimrods
Moonlight Bait Company
Exclusive Owners and Patentees.
Paw Paw Michigan, USA
The Famous Moonlight Floating Bait
Original and Only Successful Night Fishing Bait
This Bait was designed nearly eight years ago, and has absolutely “made good”. Guaranteed not to peel or crack. Money Back if not satisfied.
Four Styles:
No. 1 Plain Luminous
No. 1 R Luminous with Red Head
No. 2 Weedless
No. 3 Trout Size