Martin Hotter N Ell Lure
The Martin Hotter N Ell Lure falls into its own type category. More in the Hook & Harness and Spring Loaded category. The 1951 lure catalog features two pages on the “Hotter’n’ell”. One of the things I enjoy most about doing Fin and Flame is featuring some of these neat, and obscure items that are tucked away in the annals of history. Every dog deserving of its day, and every lure story deserving to be told, regardless of value, was a mantra my good friend Joe Nelson lived by. When I received these in on Consignment to sell, I chuckled a bit but had never seen them. This morning I was going through a pile of salesman or dealer sheets and lure catalogs doing some research and came by the advertisement for them in the 1951 catalog.
To start with the Hotter”n”ell hook rigging, or antique lure, uses a play on words that weren’t exactly allowed in the 1950’s. While there seem to be no moral boundaries in advertising today, the calling a lure Hotter than Hell in the 50’s would more than likely have garnered some unfavorable attention in the age of the Cleavers.

Martin Hotter N Ell Lure Catalog Page
The 1951 Catalog States:
Feeding Habbits of fresh or salt water game fish are similar the world over. From the Arctic Circle to the warm waters of the Tropics – “Big Fish Eat Little Fish”
Commercial fisherman have long recognized the fact that nothing equal appeal of live bait. Game fish like their food alive (very much alive) and they’ll gobble one more, hungry or not, when their super critical eye sees it as a crippled or frightened minnow.
Hotter’n’ell clear plastic lures are scientifically engineered to produce a most realistic live minnow action at all fishing speed. See the new Hotter’n’ell lure (invisible when submerged) in action baited with fresh, bottled or frozen minnow and you’ll see sure fire fish getting capers that mere words fail to describe.