Heddon Dowagiac Spook Lure
The Heddon Dowagiac Spook Lure was first introduced in 1930 and last quite some time up until the 1970’s under one of its names. The Dowagiac Spook is one of those lure where they never could seem to keep its name straight and can be found under 4 different yet similar names. The Heddon Dowagiac Spook is also know as The “Super Dowagiac”, the “Super Dowagiac Spook”, the “Dowagiac Spook” & the ” Super Spook”. For something that never could find its identity it certainly was a hit with fishermen to last the 4 decades.
We have a nice Box & Lure Combo in on Consignment this week, click below to view.
The lure was a product of Heddon’s desire and innovation to make a indestructible minnow. The plastic made lure was always touted for being life like in appearance and was born of the “Fish Flesh” era. The plastic shaped minnow measured from 2 7/8″, to 3 1/4″ to 3 3/8″ over its lifespan. You will note different spinner configurations that will help you date which period this is from. Also aiding will be the hook hardware used as you will find, Toilet Seat, Bar Rig, Flap Sig and even Surface Rig over its lifeline.
The lure itself has a forward line tie that usually has an accompanying steel leader with flasher. The lure only ever had 2 hooks to secure its prey, one just below the front eye line the other just fore of the fish shaped tail. The lure was given a model series 9100, and can be found in under 20 cataloged colors.

1931 Heddon Dowagiac Spook Lure Catalog Ad
The “Spook” fools them all!
New “Super-Dowagiac” Spook Transparent & Indestructible
That World-Famous “Original Dowagiac” (greatest fish-getter or them all)
Now vastly improved. Made of Heddylin (Like Pyralin). For all game-fish.
Hundreds of thousands of fishermen who have used the “original Dowagiac’s” (pronounced Doe-wah-jacks) will welcome the “New Dowagiac” because of the great success they had with the “Original”, and their confidence in Heddon Baits as real fish-getters.
Just as the word “Kodak” bas come to mean, to many people, all kinds of cameras, so has this famous “Original Dowagiac” bait caused the word “Dowagiac”, to become descriptive of all forms of similar artificial wooden minnows, whether made by Heddon, or by the many imitators of the “original”. Remember-It isn’t a “genuine” Dowagiac unless made by Heddon.
New “Super-Dowagiac” No. 9100 Series A ghostly go-getter for all game fish. A transparent, lifelike lure of new construction. Made of Heddylin (like pyralin). Whirling spoon at front and rear. Sinks of its own weight and can be sent deep with slow retrieving. Is indestructible in construction, and finish has become an integral part of the bait and will not come off, even when bait is used for fish
with sharp teeth. Damaged baits will be replaced free. Two treble hooks. Length 3¼ inches. Weight ¾ ounces.

1941 Catalog The Original Dowagiac Spook 9100 Series
As Fishy looking as a live minnow. Whirling spoon at the front and rear. Sinks of its own weight and can be sent deep with slow retrieving. Its indestructible in construction and in finish. Two Treble Hooks.

1953 Heddon Catalog 9100 Series Dowagiac Spook
A Deep Sinking lure with a spinner at front and rear. Most affective in hot weather when the fish are in the depths. Ideal for casting or trolling . Outstanding for walleye, lake trout and all deep water fish.