Heddon Bass Bug Spook
The Heddon Bass Bug Spook was first introduced in 1939 and lasted until 1953. This antique fly fishing lure was made by Heddon of Dowagiac, Michigan. Coming in two different distinct sizes, the fly lures were given model 974 for the Trout size and 975 for the larger Bass size. The 974 measures 1 1/2″ in length, the 975 Bass Bug Spook measuring in at 2″ in length. Following Heddon’s continued lure evolution from wood to plastic the Bass Bug Spook was originally made from cork.
We have a nice Bass Bug Spook in Box on Consignment this week, click below to view.
The Heddon Bass Bug Spook Lure was packaged in a cellophane window red box as show down in the gallery. The Fly was made in a half dozen different cataloged colors. You can find a few uncatalogued Bass Bug Spooks, but those are few and far between.
BR: Brown
BW: Black & White
DG: Dark Green
Y: Yellow
GR: Grey
WR: White & Red

1940 Bass Bug Spook Dealer Display
I’ve never had the pleasure of seeing one of these in person.

1940 Heddon Catalog
New Bass Bug Spook 2 Sizes
Just like a spent moth with wide spreading wings
The last touch of a lifelike appearance s given these bugs by the transparent body carefully decorated in natural designs. They are not made of cork and are very buoyant, and very serviceable as hooks cannot pull out nor lure get water logged.

1953 Heddon Catalog Bass Bug Spook Lure
Longer Life More Fish Appeal
Lures made of transparent indestructible Spook material, available in irresistible “Shore Minnow” finishes, an unbeatable combination.
Never Waterlog Easy To Cast
Fly rod lures made of spook material have many advantages. Hooks cannot pull out. Never become waterlogged. Cast Perfectly. Tied with extreme care so that the feathers and hackle are in correct position for most lifelike appearance, yet do not retard pick up.