Heddon After Heddon Part I
Heddon After Heddon Part I; Many people know the legend of the founding of Heddon. Indeed, the story of James Heddon, the erstwhile beekeeper-turned-fisherman, has become apocryphal, and has been covered in great detail by collectors and fishing historians alike. Yet it is easy to forget that James Heddon ran the company that even today bears his name for just nine years. Beyond this, James Heddon’s Sons, as the company was renamed in the wake of the founder’s death, itself remained in the hands of the Heddon family for just a little over four more
decades. Thus, in 2002 the Heddon company celebrated not only its 100th anniversary but marked a date when over half of Heddon’s history was dictated by people other than the Heddons themselves.
Surprisingly, very little is known about the transition from the Heddon family to its variety of corporate successors. The reasons behind this are obvious. The family-owned period not only coincided with the golden age of American fishing, in many ways it created it. Heddon lures from this early period, replete with elegant design lines, gorgeous paint finishes, and quality manufacturing, are among the most sought after collector items in the world. Products from the later period, ranging from in-line spinners to plastic worms, attract no similar nostalgia or zeal. Yet the fact remains that more Heddon fishing tackle has been purchased since the family sold the company in 1951 than was sold in the preceding half century of family ownership……….
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