Hanson Sub Master Lure
The Hanson Sub Master Lure was patented in 1951, while being made as early as 1950. This lure was distributed by Hanson’s Custom Loading out of Bonner Springs, Kansas. This little known lure has a large clear plastic diving lip almost the same length of its body.
We have a nice Sub Master in on Consignment this week, click below to view.
This lure is 3 1/4″ in length with lip and 1 3/4 without. The antique lure has a rubber skirt which hides the single trailing treble hook. The fishing lure has an already affixed leader to which to tie your line to. The lure has its name and patent pending stamped into the underside of the lure. The Sub Master lure was a one hit wonder for the company, and although the patent was granted no other lures were made by them. With it being a one hit wonder finding the complete package can take a bit for those who collect miscellaneous antique fishing lures.
The Box States” Truly a natural trolling Plug-It Floats or Goes Very Deep. And it will stray perfectly balanced at any depth. No Weights needed to be added.”
The antique lure reminds me of the alien that used to chase bugs bunny around and blow him away with a ray gun, Marvin the Martian.

Hanson Sub-Master Antique Lure Paperwork
With the Hanson Sub-Master you may fish at any depth and the plug will stay perfectly balanced. To Obtain depth you merley trol the bait. Whaen you want the bait to rise, merely stop trolling or winding. Its that simple. The more you yank this plug the more action you get .
When you use the Hanson Sub-Master, you know positivley that your bait is workingfor you at all times. You actually get constant action at any speed.
The transparent spoon does not revel any connection between the bug and the hitch. This plug is weedless and may be fished from the topof the water right on down to any depth you desire. Merely by pulling a pin, the colorful ripple streamer and hook may be changed instantly. (Hanson’s Ripple Streamer, the most deadly for game fish, is available in a variety of colors at your dealers.