Spalding Pneumatic Sporting Boat
This A.G. Spalding Pneumatic Sporting Boat is a classic example of a early float tube. I’ve always really enjoyed the old ads and find many of them amusing when your pursuing through an old catalog and you stumble upon certain one that make you wonder what the artist print block maker had in mind when penning. I’ve always found it amusing some of the dress or garb they are wearing just to fish. Some of these outfits seem to look more difficult to put on then to catch the fish. The maker A.G. Spalding more famous in the Antique Fishing Lure and Reels circuit for its “Kosmic” brand of fishing tackle. Spalding, is one of the largest sellers of sporting goods known at the turn of the century. This ad from 1895 is for a early version of am Inflatable tube.
The Layman
Pneumatic Sporting Boat
It is the safeest lightest and most compact portable boat on the market. Weighs 15 lbs is easily inflated, and can be carried in a handbag when collapsed. It is made of the best rubber duck cloth, in four separate compartments, has loop for erecting a blind, absolutely safe in any waters. Splendidly adapted for hinting or fishing. Being paddled by the feet., the hands are left free to handle either rod or gun. A success in every way. It is also made with full length wading pants. For Circular and further particulars apply to the sole manufactures.
Agents Wanted
A. G. Spalding & Brothers