Enterprise Manufacturing Pflueger Fishing Tackle Plant
This great Enterprise Manufacturing Pflueger Fishing Tackle Plant article comes to us from November 10th, 1900. The article found in the trade rag, Hardware; A Review of the American Hardware Market. The article discusses the growth and transition through acquisition of the Enterprise Manufacturing Company, Pflueger.
Enterprise Manufacturing Pflueger Fishing Tackle Plant
It comes almost in the nature of a surprise to the Hardware trade that every possible part of the fishing tackle store can be furnished complete from one factory. In the history of the Hardware business this has never been known to be within the range of possibility until the present time. It has always been found necessary to go through a number of establishments devoted to the different branches of the business in order to obtain what might be considered a complete line of fishing tackle. At the present time the factory of the Enterprise Mfg. Co. of Akron Ohio supplies this wonder in the way of achievement and as will be noticed by any one in the Hardware trade desirous of adding this line or of increasing it in their present stock the most complete assortment possible of fishing tackle and other appliances pertaining thereto will be found in their wonderful catalog. This business has grown from what might be considered a small beginning to the most extensive known to this particular branch of the trade. We give an illustration herewith of their present factory to justify this statement.
Their original premises are indicated in the extreme corner of this illustration showing the dimensions of their plant at the time of inaugurating the business in 1880. In this extensive factory they make everything in the line except rods, and plain lines, and they anticipate before many seasons have passed that these also will be added to their present assortment. It is certainly the intention of this progressive concern that every season that passes shall find them in better shape than ever to take care of the wants of their patrons.
They are constantly adding new machinery and installing other facilities tending to make this condition possible. Their fish Hook department which has been so greatly augmented by the purchase of the business of the American Fish Hook Co of New Haven, Conn., enables them to give special attention to this particular line and produce an article of recognized merit that will add greatly to their prestige.
Their Fishing Reel department is one in which they take the greatest pride and this attention to so important a branch is well deserved for it is beyond doubt the largest, and best equipped plant of the kind in the world as the handsome array given in their latest catalog previously referred to will fully indicate. One of the most important features of their manufacture is that of “Luminous Baits” as that particular branch of the fishing tackle business is called.
In addition to these staple lines their line of specialties embraces everything in the way of spoons, snells, flies, leaders, sinkers, floats furnished lines etc. that would be considered necessary to stock the smallest or the largest establishment for the sale of fishing tackle in any part of the world. One great advantage is that the Enterprise Mfg Co. are exclusive manufacturers of so many special lines that they are in a position to give the trade quotations and terms that would prove exceedingly interesting. The retail dealer who desires to be up to date in this particular line should ask for “Enterprise” goods. For those who are handling them admit that the popularity they have achieved is owing entirely to the care and attention paid to their manufacture and the merit underlying the articles coming from this extensive establishment.