Creek Chub WiggleFish Lure
The Creek Chub WiggleFish Lure was first introduced in 1925. The lure made by the Creek Chub Bait Company of Garrett, Indiana would be a staple in their antique lure line up for more than a quarter of a century. This wooden, glass eyed lure was a model 2400 and measures 3 1/2″ in length, and tops the weighs in at 3/4 oz. This antique lure can be found with a double line tie, dating to pre 1935-36 era or with a single line tie for post 36. This lure was meant to dive and had a step lip to help it get to the depth of its prey. Taking after it’s name, the Wiggle fish, the lure is a segmented lure with the tradition U pin connections securing the two halves. The lure was made to make a life like wiggling motion in the water complete with fluted, rear flasher fin, sometimes found in gold, bringing up the rear.
We have one in on Consignment this week, click below to view.
You’ll Notice a variation in Wiggle Fish over the years, in size, shape and even hook size. The first example shown is an early version which can be differentiated by this longer slimmer body sections and if you ll notice the front treble hook, the shaft of the treble is longer than on the later version in the gallery. The featured lure in this gallery also has broad stroke hand painted gill marks.
The second example in the gallery below is shown housed in it’s correct end stamped box. Completing this package it has the correct era pocket lure catalog and reorder form.
The Wiggle Fish
No. 2400 Series
The Aristocrat of all Wigglers. All Creek Chub nature lures are noted for their wonderful movements but in this new double jointed lure with its swaggering, fluted, nickle tail and patented mouth-piece, there is a fast, flexible, swimming movement not found in any other lure. As its name indicated, the New Wiggle Fish looks just like a fish, swims like a fish, floats, dives, wiggles its way along just below the surface – or deeper if pulled faster. This is the bait to use when trolling for the big one. A guaranteed getter of Bass, Pickerel, Pike, and Muskies. Length of body, 3 1/2″ inches. Weight 3/4 oz.

The Creek Chub Wiggle Fish came standard in 8 Colors and can be found in special order colors so keep digging:
00 – Pike Scale
01 – Perch Scale
02 – Red and White
04 – Golden Shiner
05 – Red Side & Dace (shown in the Gallery Below)
18 – Silver Flash