Creek Chub River Rustler Lure
The Creek Chub River Rustler Lure was a short lived lure, first introduced in 1930 and only lasting until 1935. This lure a model series number 3700 was produced by the Creek Chub Bait Company of Garrett, Indiana. This smallish chunk type antique fishing lure is made of wood and measures 2 5/8″ in length and tips the scales at 5/8 oz. I’ve always liked this little lure as when you hold it its not a flimsy lure and has some girth to it and feel like it could hold its own against most of the mid size game-fish, both small and large mouth bass.
We have a nice River Rustler in on Consignment this week, click below to view.
It obviously was never to popular with the fisherman with its short run. The lure made of wood was adorn with glass eyes and a single line tie at the point of its nose. The lure has two treble hooks using the typical cup hanger in the center and a screw eye for the aft. The point of consternation (I cant believe I just used that word in a sentence) for both fisherman and collectors alike is its diving lip. The lip is what gives this lure its life in my opinion and keeps it from just turning out to be another Wee Dee or Weed Bug knock off. However the lip will not keep paint with any type of use and more than not on the ones I’ve run across the lip has a chip in it.
Standard Colors:
3700 – Pike Scale 3701 – Perch Scale 3702 – Red & White 3704 – Golden Shiner 3708 – Rainbow 3718 – Silver Flash
Below is a cool ad from the National Sportsman, 1930 where the New River Rustler Fishing Lure introduces itself to fishermen.
Here I am, Fishermen – the latest addition to the famous line of Creek Chub True to Nature Lures! And, without bragging, I’m frank to confess I have a number of advantages not found in other lures!
For River fishing, I’m a “WOW” yet I work equally well in lakes! I’m rather small and light yet my compact shape makes me an easy caster! I run just deep enough under the surface to miss the weeds and I’m mighty effective along the shire! When you get an eyeful of my erratic side dart and continuous wiggle. To say nothing of my snooty, saucy impudence that dares ’em all to strike. Man, how even this wise old game fish do wallop me, I’ll bet a copper that “Old Spring Fishing Fret” grips you good and plenty. Look for me now at your Dealers!

The 1931 Creek Chub Antique Lure Catalog Below gives us an idea of its standard colors and thoughts for use
The New Creek Chub River Rustler
No. 3700
Price $1.00
This little Lure will have a particular appeal to the average fisherman as it has a number of advantages not found in other lures. It is rather small and the 5/8 oz. weight will suit the man who likes a light lure, yet its compact shape makes it a very easy caster. It is perfectly adapted to River Fishing yet it works equally well in lakes. It runs deep enough to make it suitable for underwater weeds and close in shore. The erratic side to side dart together with the continuous wiggle which characterizes this bait makes it an irresistible fish getter and its saucy, impudent look appeals to the eye of every fisherman.