Creek Chub Midget Darter
The Creek Chub Midget Darter was given a model series 8000. This Jr version of the widely popular full size Creek Chub Bait Company Darter, the model series 2000, was first introduced in 1938. The lure like its top water brethren would span decades and last until 1978. This painted eye fishing lure, is made of wood and has two trailing treble hooks. Weighing in at a pittance of only 3/8 oz the lure would be used for smaller game fish as well as pan fish and spin fishing, while the spinning darter would fit the bill as well.
We have an uncatalogued Bumble Bee Midget Darter in on Consignment this week, click below to view.
In the tapered cigar, shape the Darter had a single forward line tie and its tell tale open or split mouth. Being so widely popular with fisherman who loved the top unit there would be many who would copy and follow in Creek Chubs shows, but never supplant in feature function and simplicity in benefit. The Yellow Stripe or Bumble Bee finish that is ever so popular with Creek Chub antique lure collectors would never be a cataloged finish on this lure. There were 11 standard finises available for the fisherman and lure collector to find, although there are a host of variants and special order colors than can be found in the field.

1948 Midget Darter Catalog Cut
A small edition of the regular No. 2000 Darter and a honey for the man who likes a light lureand a whippy rod. Has the same action as the No. 2000, which is probably the greatest near surface popping bait made. This new Midget Darter is really good and shoud be in every bass fisherman’s tackle box.