Creek Chub Jointed Pikie Antique Lure
The Creek Chub Jointed Pikie Antique Lure is certainly one of the companies mainstays. The Jointed Pikie has a history that spans roughly 5 decades, or 50 years of fishing lure production. From various lure colors, the evolution of eye differences, lure composition, size of diving lips the Jointed Pikie has seen them all. Helping date the lure itself with its single (Post 1936) to double line tie (Pre 1935) this antique lure evolved, stayed relevant with fishermen and certainly has with antique lure collectors as well.
We have a Jointed Pikie in on Consignment this week, click to view below.
Creek Chub Jointed Pikie Antique Lure 
The antique fishing lure was given a model series 2600. The Deep Diving version shown below is in one of Creek Chubs prettiest fishing lure colors when in nice condition like the antique lure shown, Mullet. The Color code is 07 on the Creek Chub Bait Company’s color chart. This wooden glass eyed example is shown with a deep diving lip, single line, in its correct end stamped box 2607DD and period lure box catalog. Although they probably used the same die cuts for catalogs for some time, the 1931 catalog below touts the new lure as having a wonderful wiggling motion. Even greater than its famous Pikie Minnow lure.
The 1931 Creek Chub Bait Company Catalog states: This new Jointed Pikie has a beautiful wiggling movement, flexible and sinuous, which we believe makes it a still better fish getter than our famous Pikie minnow No. 700. Fishermen everywhere are acclaiming it the most perfect lure ever produced. Changing speed while reeling in adds to its attractive action and seems to create in the fish an irresistible impulse to strike. It is a very easy caster and does not run quite so deep as the No. 700. We guarantee it to be a great killer.

Some of the Cataloged Colors of the Jointed Pikie were:
00 Pike Scale
01 Perch Scale
02 Red and White
03 Silver Shiner
04 Golden Shiner
05 Red Side
08 Rainbow
13 Black
18 Silver Flash
19 Frog
21 Day and Night
31 Rainbow Fire
32 Fire Plug
33 Black Scale
34 Blue Flash