Creek Chub Husky Injured Minnow Lure
This Creek Chub Husky Injured Minnow Lure is a series 3500. This wooden glass eyed Creek Chub Bait Company lure made in Garrett Indiana was first introduced in 1929. The antique lure measures 5″ inches in length. The Silver Flash Example below in the gallery is believed to have been a prototype of sorts and has some modifications from the normal ones found. You ‘ll notice the reinforcement of the rear of the lure where the line tie enters the back compared to the Golden Shiner example in the gallery. This has almost the same type of reinforcement a certain South Bend Surf Oreno Models. The wire through rigging seems to be a bit beefier (is that a word) than most and you’ll notice the absence of the rimmed cups.
We have a nice Silver Flash Husky Injured Minnow in on Consignment this week, click below to view.
Creek Chub Husky Injured Minnow Lure
Another eye catcher is this Husky Injured Minnow only has 2 treble hooks to secure its prey after its caught, while most have 3 on the Golden Shiner Production model below. Even the props look different and have more of a rounded mickey mouse look than the normal. The Husky Injured Minnow was in and out of production from its release in 1929 to 1961.
The lure was made and can be found in your typical Creek Chub Antique Lure colors:
00 Pike Scale
01 Perch Scale
02 Red and White
04 Golden Shiner (Shown Below)
05 Red Side / Dace
18 Silver Flash (Shown in Gallery)