Creek Chub Dinger Lure
The Creek Chub Dinger Lure was first produced in 1939 and was made until 1954. This Creek Chub Bait Company of Garret Indiana antique fishing lure was a model series number 5600. This wooden glass eyed lure falls into the hair bait category. The hair itself stacked vertically on the rear of the lure. This antique lure featured a tell tale nickle plate on its forehead, however towards the end it was changed to brass and some even none at all. The lure came two years after the widely successful Dingbat lure
We have a Perch Dinger in on Consignment this week, click below to view.
Creek Chub Dinger Lure 
The wooden glass eyed fishing lure measures 2″ in length not counting the stacked hair tail. The antique Creek Chub fishing lure was made in 3 different sizes, the midget (smallest), the standard (Shown Below) and the husky (Largest). The standard size Dinger lure came with two treble hooks, one mounted with the traditional cup rig hardware, the rear attached with a Screw Eye Bar Rig.The Dinger came in 8 Standard colors, however many special order, or painted for other companies models can be found.
Standard Colors found on the Creek Chub Dinger were:
00 Pike Scale
01 Perch Scale
02 Red and White
04 Golden Shiner
05 Dace
13 All Black
18 Silver Flash
19 Frog Spot