Creek Chub Baby Crawdad
The Creek Chub Baby Crawdad Lure was first introduced in 1918 and was first called the Crab Wiggler, later the Crawdad. The antique lure was a Creek Chub model series 400, and was a smaller version of the crab or crawdad. The Crawdad lure had quite a production run and was intermittently cataloged up into and through the 1960’s. The River Peeler antique lure shown is actually in the incorrect Creek Chub Lure Box, with a reorder slip, and it should be in a end label or end stamped box marked 316 for the River Peeler color. However, the Natural Crab example shown below is in its correct end labeled antique lure box.
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You can see from the photos the rubber band legs, which usually deteriorate on the bottom are in great shape and the antique lure hasn’t been fished or used. This Garret Indiana made fishing lure came or can be found in a handful of different colors listed below. The lure has a metal rear diving plane and black bead eyes and two smaller treble hooks and was retrieved in reverse as a crawdad moves in nature. The lure is 2 3/4 inches in length and 1/2 oz.
Some of the Cataloged Colors the were available on the Creek Chub Baby Crawdad antique lure were:
00 Natural Crab (Shown Below)
01 Perch Scale
02 Albino
15 Tan Crab
16 River Peeler (Shown Below)
18 Silver Flash
Below is a copy of a page out of a 1931 Creek Chub Bait Company Catalog showing the Baby Crab/Crawdad.
The Baby Crawdad
In it it states: “If you like a spoon, pork rind or spinner you will like the albino crab even better. Has more wiggle than a rind, and more flash than a spoon, and does not sink. Will not twist the line tie. This is just right for use in stream fishing, and proves a tempting lure for the river bass. Will be equipped with double hooks when ordered, and with the points turned up becomes practically snag proof.”