Chapman Letter to Huntsmen
This Chapman Letter to Huntsmen was published October 6th, 1889 and is featured in Chapman In the News
Headquarters For Sporting Goods in Rochester
An Open Letter to Huntsmen
This season we have made special purchases for your benefit in the way of Hunting Outfits nd accoutrements. We are handling the Stevens, Winchester, and Martin Rifles and the Winchester Repeating, the “IXL” and the “Prize Machine” Shotguns as specialties, along with the general line which will appeal to sportsman generally. Included in this list is a magnificent line of revolvers’ of the best makes. To make gunning a success and pleasure you need a good instrument, and in this necessity we can give you satisfaction. We make a specialty of loading shells, repairing guns and dealing in first class ammunition of every kind. Come in and see us before starting out on a hunting trip.
Another Specialty with Us Is
The Daisy Rifle
Something for the Boys
No Noise! No Dirt! One Thousand Shots for 10 Cents!
Length 32″ Weight 1lb 10oz Price $2.00
We have the sole agency for this gun and the circular which goes with it recommends it in the following terms:
Fun for the Boys! Death to the Sparrows!
The Daisy is made wholly of brass, steel and iron. It is nickle plated highly polished and bronzed. It is strong and accurate in its action. It is as easy to handle an no more dangerous than a bow or cross gun. Each gun is packen in a neat paper box, with sample shot, target and instructions. For lawn or parlor target practice, the daisy has no equal.
See One !!! Try One: An You Will By One!
W.D. Chapman, Son & Co.
Manufactures of fishing Tackle of every description and jobber and Retailers of Rifles, Shotguns Ammunition Etc.
Rochester, N.Y.