Bottom Scratcher Lure Color Chart
This Bottom Scratcher Lure Color Chart give us a cool look at the sale sheet for a uniquely named antique fishing lure. The Bottom Scratcher came out in around 1950 and helps us date the piece, as it talks about the “New” bait.
Bottom Scratcher
A New, Deep Diving Bait Designed by L.D. “Pop” Adam
Here’s a great line of baits that will set new sales records as well as new fishing record!
There is just no other diving bait like the Bottom Scratcher! It goes down 6-8 feet on regular reeling speed….actually to 30 feet on ordinary trolling speed! And it’s got a nasty wiggle all the way up and down.
Bottom Scratcher is plastic, weighs 9/16 oz. The six color patterns, as shown above, were chosen from years of fishing experience.
Models: 100-RW (Red and White), 101-SA (Spotted Ape), 102-YR (Yellow & Red), 103-BW (Black & White), 104-BR (Black & Red), 105-GS (Green Scale). List $1.25