Black Bass Cited as Meanest Fish George Currie
Black Bass Cited as Meanest Fish George Currie; This is a strange and fascinating article. It was written by George Currie, who was a longtime columnist for the Brooklyn Daily Eagle. His “George Currie’s Brooklyn” was a staple for decades in this popular paper, and in it he covered numerous subject matters. This is one of his few forays into fishing writing. Technically a review of Sheridan R. Jones’ new book on bass, instead it turns into an amusing discourse on the nature of fishing. I also love that he coined the phrase “Bassomaniac.” — Ed.
Black Bass Cited as Meanest Fish
By Ardent Bassomaniac
By George Currie
The buds have become leaves and the dogwood is burgeoning on the hillside, which means to the miscast office worker, that the trout is in a tempt-able mood and the black bass is pining for the hook. With greater sagacity than they generally show, the Macmillan Company have taken advantage of the annual affliction of spring fever to bring forth a book on “Black Bass and Bass-craft” by Sheridan R. Jones. Wives are hereby warned to keep it away from husbands. It is highly infectious.
Mr. Jones maintains that the black bass combines the finesse of the trout with the fighting proclivities of the muskellunge, so he is assured of starting an argument. I never met a fisherman yet who did not have his own pet fish. The Saturday Magazine editor of The Eagle is a raving trout maniac and the editor himself is a fisher of salmon. I have heard neither admit there was such a thing as a pickerel, a perch, a bass, a ‘lunge, a weakfish of even a flounder in or out of water. The brooks and streams are filled with trout: the rivers harbor only salmon. My iceman brings me flounders, for a price, once in a while. I know that there are big ships, ferryboats, tugboats and even rum runners in New York Bay, but he sees only a dirty bottom on which [are] found flounders by the dozens. I am devoutly thankful that I am rarely able to find any fish in any water…….

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