Andrew Clerk Company

Andrew Clerk Company 1885

Andrew Clerk Company

This Andrew Clerk Company ad comes out of book published in 1885. One of the benefits of insomnia is I get to stay up reading and get rewarded by running across great early ads such as below. Through mergers, acquisitions name changes, and more the Andrew Clerk Company was around for more then a century making it one of the oldest American fishing institutions.


Have Antique Lures, Reels, Rods you would like to Sell or Consign? Please Contact Us.

We offer both a Ebay & Angling Marketplace Consignment Service, email for rates.

Have Antique Lures, Reels or other collectibles to Sell or Consign, Please Contact Me

Andrew Clerk & Co.

43 Maiden Lane and 35 Liberty Street
New York

Importers, Manufacturers and Dealers in all kinds of

Fishing Tackle Fish Hooks Etc.
And Sole agents of
Warrin’s Celebrated

Drilled Eye & Telegraph Needles

We would Call the attention to Anglers and Sportsmen in General

Excelsior Split Bamboo Fly Rod

Which is unequaled as to lightness, flexibility and strength. The most Expert Anglers of the Adirondacks and Maine have bestowed upon us the highest encomiums, and not only upon our Excelsior Split Bamboo Rod, but also upon our

Cedar and Lancewood Rods

of which we have the largest and most complete variety in the world. In flies we have infinite varieties for which we are so justly celebrated and all of our own make. Also particular flies for favorite localities such as the Adirondacks, Maine Etc. All these are tied securely on the best silkworm gut, either tinted or plain and have given the utmost satisfaction to Scientific Anglers. Our assortment of 

Reels, Lines, Rods, Floats, SInkers, Etc Etc.

is unequaled and too numerous to mention. 

To All Lovers of the Gentile art, we invite them to a close and careful inspection of our large and varied stock.

Andrew Clerk Company Photo Ad