1906 Heddon Lure Advertisement Western Field
These ads are a 1906 Heddon Lure Advertisement Western Field. Ads from the past let us put many of the antique lure puzzle pieces together. Whether it is from being able to time stamp production of certain antique lures, or being able to decipher the lure makers intentions, they are valuable assets of antique lure collectors. I will continue to add these to the blog article rotation,and I hope you find them useful and enjoyable. I think sometimes I enjoy these bits and pieces of the puzzle as much as the lures.
The only bad thing with old fishing lure ads is the quality of the paper, and the scan can vary greatly, thus directly affecting the output.
A most artistic book showing the Dowagiac casting and trolling baits and peculiar blended colors is being distributed year by Jas Heddon & Son of Dowagiac Mich whose advertisement appears in this issue. The color plates which must cost hundreds of dollars are simply perfect. The perfect workmanship of “Dowagiac” bait is shown in a perfect piece of printing. Every sportsman will be interested in seeing this exceptional booklet. It will be sent free on request by Jas Heddon & Son.
These manufacturers have certainly established themselves generally in the good graces of sportsmen throughout the United States and Canada by the high quality of their novel unique productions. They have established new standard in design and quality on all products and their goods representing the highest attainment in fishing tackle productions. Reports reaching us from many parts the country indicate that lovers of the rod breaking records with the use of the Dowagiac casting and trolling baits. The advantages of artificial bait are being more and more even by those who thought that live bait alone served the purposes. It is pretty well known that in great majority of cases game fish strike only attack the lure and if the artificial bait is right. It will attract more fish and certainly keep the fish on the hook when he might off ordinary bait.
A piece of painted wood with some metal attached Is no criterion for artificial bait and the sportsman cannot Judge the value artificial bait hy any such standard .
A perfect trial with the right kind of artificial halt quickly convinces you that you intch more fish and bigger fish than with bait not to speak of the many conveniences of the artificial bait. We are glad to say and most sportsmen agree with us that the Dowagiac casting trolling baits represent the acme of fishing tackle productions. The manufacturers Jas Heddon & Son of the Dowagiac Michigan have set a new standard in the design and qualitv or their products. This year they are issuing books showing their minnows from beautifully blended colors the printing of which cost many hundreds of dollars. These color plates are as perfect and beautiful as any we ever saw. Drop a line to Jas Heddon & Son Dowagiac Michigan and you will catch one of the booklets.
Pointers to practical bait casters are contained in the new booklet of Jas Heddon & Son Dowagiac Michigan. Among other things this booklet explains the advantage of artificial bait provided you have the right kind of artificial bait and not a piece of painted wood with a fish hook attached.
Many fishermen believe that in order to get the best results they snould carry an assortment of bait and many have expressed the opinion that all they need is a good assortment of Dowagiae bait. The new booklet mentioned above shows the Dowagiae minnow in their natural colors. It is the most beautiful booklet of the kind ever published. It will be sent free by addressing Jas Heddon & Son Dept 5E Dowagiae Mich