Line Spools
The collection of antique fishing line spools numbers in the multi hundreds, thus I felt the need to break this up into multiple pages.
Line Spool Page 3
Line Spool Page 4

Fishing Line is the proverbial PB in the PB&J fishing sandwich. While the lure or the reel is usually the impetuous in a conversation about what is the most important piece of equipment for a fisherman many overlook the line.
A Few Lines about Fishing Lines; was a moniker used quite often by the late John Ethchieson. But, I submit to you the reader, let us focus on a few lines about John Etchieson first. I started off to say a few lines about “My” friend John, when it struck me that statement alone is the complete opposite of anyone that knew John, including myself. John wasn’t just “My” friend, John, was literally everyone’s friend. I’ve known John for over a few decades and if there is one thing that embodies John’s personality was, his kindness and genuineness. I’ve have never met a person who was just hands down as generally nice as John. Ive said to his family and friends of recent if we could just be as nice to ne person in our daily lives as John was to everyone he met, we could make this world a better place.
In speaking with his family after his passing, his kindness was the one thing I just kept circling back to. Kindness, was something John embodied, from your first greeting, the world itself seemed to stand still. You felt there were no other distractions for John, and what you had to say was the most important thing in the world to him. His attentiveness in conversation was second to none, never did you ever feel like you were bothering John. The second thing one would come to notice was John was built to share. What do I mean by that? I mean that at John’s core being he loved nothing more than to share with others. This isn’t just meant in a literal fashion, even though it was true. John wanted to share his time, his smile, his laugh, his kindness and his passion with others. His laugh, a raspy Tee Hee Hee in later years, went beyond being infectious. One could not help but return his smile, and laugh along with him in any conversation.
John was a ardent supporter and long time member of the NFLCC. John was willing to help anyone along the way and share his passion about fishing history. For 35 years John collected line spools and cards and miscellaneous line ephemera. While most of us were running around battling for lures and reels John was quietly amassing a life collection of line spools and cards and the historical dots to connect the lines, (Pun Intended). I was blessed beyond measure to have gotten to interact with John not only through our friendship of decades but in disseminating his historical line prowess over various mediums. For years and years John would feed me tidbits of history and lines and we would share them with the Club on Facebook where we would do tight lines Tuesdays, on this website and its related social media sites and in some of the digital publications such as Fishing with History. John and I had mused on many occasion about doing a book about lines, I just wished we hade made more inroads into that conversation rather than just our mutual “Hey you know we ought to” statements.
This section is devoted to “All of our Friend” John Etchieson his flash and flare for Lines, and devotion for sharing his passion and history. This is a collection of items he has shared and sent me over the years, items I’ve sold for John, and items he’s had in his collection for decades in effort to make sure Johns Legacy and Memory don’t fade away. A copy of his spools and cards will also be placed into the NFLCC Club Library so that its members will always be able to benefit from Johns support of the club. John’s collection of Spools is massive amount of information and will be broke down into a few subsets. A section of antique fishing Line Cards which will have one page and a section on Vintage Fishing Line Spools that will be roughly 4 pages. I have a cache of Fishing Line Catalogs I scanned over the years that I will add to this section as time permits as well.
In closing the world needs more people like the late John Etchieson. Make an effort to e kind to others and share your knowledge and passion along the way because if you don’t, the knowledge and history ends when we do.
Dedicated to John Etchieson
The collection of antique fishing line spools numbers in the multi hundreds, thus I felt the need to break this up into multiple pages.
Line Spool Page 3
Line Spool Page 4
Fishing Line Cards provided the consumer another way to pack and stow this vital fishing utensil. These give collectors another road to go down when collecting fishing related items.
Click the button Below or the Photo to View the Fishing Line Cards
Fishing Line Catalogs provide the needed insight into what manufactures were doing and when. We can learn such much by the when and how items were positioned to get a better glimpse into the Line (Pun Intended) that connects the dots of information and knowledge.
Click the Catalog to the right or the button below to visit.
Fishing Line Catalogs